I came to my new school and it is very big and beautiful. I met my new teachers and new classes and I have new friends. I really liked this school.♡
Category: Անգլերեն
My hobby
Who is the nicest person you know?
My parents
What do you like most about your mom/dad/brother/sister?
They are caring and ready to do everything to make me feel good
If you could live in a cartoon, what cartoon would you choose? Would you be yourself, or would you want to be one of the characters already in the cartoon?
Princess sofia
What was the best present given to you?
What is the hardest thing to do? What makes you angry?
I get angry when they don’t understand me
If you could change the color of the sky, what color would you choose?
Light purple
What’s your favorite place that you’ve gone to on vacation?
What would you do with $100?
I wouldn’t spend it, I would keep it
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Kind, beautiful, smart
2.1A: Are you a teacher? B: Yes, I am.
2A: Is your name Marcus? B: Yes, it are.
3A: Are your children here? B: No, they aren’t.
4A: Is this your suitcase? B: No, it isn’t.
5A: Where are we? B: I think this is Oxford street.
6A: Is it Saturday today? B: No, It ‘s Sunday.
7A: Are your friends from the UK? B: No, they are from the US.
8A: Hello, Maria. How are you? B: I’m fine, thanks.
9A: How old is Peter? B: I think it is 30 years old.
10A: Are David and Molly here? B: Yes, we’re next to the door.
1He is saveing money because he wants to buy a car.
2You arenot listening to me.
3My parents are looking for a new apartment.
4The victim is not cooperating with the police.
5We are (plan) a trip to Japan.
6I am (cooking fish for dinner.
7The water is (boiling. You can put the pasta now.
8He as (not training because he has health problems.
9I am (not working at present. I’m unemployed.
10It is (not raining now. We can go to the park.
- Why are many stories and legends told about Alfred the Great? He was known as a just and fair ruler. He first started the schools and encouraged people to learn. 2. Why didn’t the Queen give the book to her sons?
She said that she would give it to the one who first learns to read it. 3. Why was Alfred able to claim his prize?
he worked hard all day long and patiently studied to learn to read. The strange old writing was not easy to master. So one morning he came to his mother and proudly claimed his prize. 4. Why did Alfred encourage people to study in schools? He encouraged people to study in schools because he understood that knowledge is more valuable than force.
5. Why did people call their King, Alfred the Great?
Match the words with their meanings.
1. able to learn quickly։ a. patient
2. not the same. b. different
3. always calm, showing self-control. c. Clever
4. something that is important or costs a lot. d. valuable
5. having a practical purpose, helpful. e. useful
6. acquire complete knowledge or skill. f. to master
7. to govern, to guide. g. to rule
8. a popular story, perhaps untrue. h. legend
9. worry. i. care
10. just. j. fair
Match the English and Armenian meanings.
1. claim c. պահանջել
2. encourage h. քաջալերեր
3. force. e. ուժ
4. master g. տիրապետել
5. patiently i. համպերատարությամբ
6. proudly. b. հպարտորեն
7. rule j. կառավարել
8. lean k. հենվել
9. sword d. թուր
10. valuable f. արժեքավոր
11. educated k. կրթված
12. eager a. եռանդուն
A bigger hand is better!
- Կանաչ գունով նշված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական և ժխտական։
One day a woman went shopping to the market with her small son
Did a woman went shopping to the market with her small son?
One day a woman didn’t go shopping to the market with her small son
The man liked the small boy
Did The man like the small boy
The The man didn’t like the small boy
The boy went up to the box of cherries.
Did The boy went up to the box of cherries.
The The boy didn’t went up to the box of cherries.
The man took a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy.
Did The man took a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy?
The man didn’t take a big handful of cherries and gave them to the boy.
- The boy went up to the հետևյալ ածականների համեմատության աստիճանները /bad, big, comfortable, happy, fat, wonderful, interesting/
Big — bigger- the biggest
comfortable — most — the most comfortable
Heppy- happier- the happiest
Fet-fett — the fattest
wonderful — more — the wonderful
interesting — more interesting — the most interesting
Օրինակ.՝ small-smaller-the smallest
good-better-the best
beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful
Handful-մի բուռ
On the way home — տան ճանապարհին
Yourself-դու ինքդ
This is London
Վերիշագինա դաս. էջ 165, This is London կարդալ, դուրս գրել և սովորել անծանոթ բառերը։
Տեքստից դուրս գրել ածականները և գրել իրենց համեմատության աստիճանները։
Favourite-Ամենա սիրելի
Something- ինչ որ բան
Fact- փաստ
Centre- կենտրոն
Popular ֊հայտնի
Inersting- more the most Inersting.
Favourite-more Favourite -the most Favourite.
Big-bigg-the biggest
Inportant-more Inportant-the most Inportant.
Good-bestter — the best.
Beautiful- more Beautiful -the most Beautiful.
Old-older the-oldest
Wide-wider -the widest
New-nerwer — the newest
Large-lager- the largest
Popular-more Popular — the most Popular
Hot-hotter-the hottest
Pleasant-more Pleasant-the most Pleasant
Ընտրեք ածականների ճիշտ տարբերակը։
My house is (bigger, the biggest) than yours.
This flower is (the most beautiful, more beautiful) than that one.
This is the (interesting, the most interesting) book I have ever read.
Non-smokers usually live (longer, the longest) than smokers.
Which is the (more dangerous, the most dangerous) animal in the world?
A holiday by the sea is (good, better, the best) than a holiday in the mountains.
It is strange but often a coke is (more expensive, the most expensive) than a beer.
Who is the (richer, the richesthe richest) woman on earth?
The weather this summer is even (bad, worse, the worst) than last summer.
He was the (cleverer, the cleverest) thief of all.
Գրեք ածականների համեմատության աստիճանները՝ վարժ. 1, վարժ. 2
Գրեք կամ պատմեք Հայաստանի ձեր սիրած վայրերից որևէ մեկի կամ մի քանիսի մասին
People leave their newspapers on the train for others to read.
if you don’t speak English well, they won’t tell you about it
They will definitely tell you that you speak well. In case of objection, they will add that their Armenian is, in any case, worse.
Every year, city residents and visitors forget 80,000 umbrellas on the London Underground.
A Visit to London
Ընդգծված նախադասությունները դարձրու հարցական, ժխտական, և գրիր հնարավոր բոլոր/ ներկա, ներկա շարունակական, ապառնի, անցյալ/ ժամանակաձևերով :
Last Tuesday Henry Brown took his sons George and Richard and Fred to see London.
Did Henry Brown take his sons George and Richard and Fred to see London?
Henry Brown doesn’t take his sons George and Richard and Fred to see London.
Tuesday Henry Brown takes his sons George and Richard and Fred to see London?
Henry Brown wall takes his sons George and Richard and Fred to see London.
They live about 50 miles from London in a small town called Greenfield. They went by train.
They are living about 50 miles from London in a small town called Greenfield. They went by train.
They will live about 50 miles from London in a small town called Greenfield. They went by train.
They went by train. They go by train. They are going by train. They will go by train.
Դուրս գրիր անծանոթ բառերը, սովորիր և դրանցով կազմիր նախադասություններ:
Steam-train — հոսանքով գնալ
Empty carriage- դատարկ վագոն
Guara- ուղեկցող
Busy streets֊մարդ շատ փողոցներ
Take a bus — նստել ավտոբուս
Pointed out- ցույց տալ մատնանշել
Cross֊և անցնել խաչ
Bank of the river-գետի ափին
In the distance-հասարակության վրա
Built by-կարուցվել ուրիշի կողմից
Tower of London -լոնդոնի աշտարակ
Գրիր այս բառերի հականիշները՝ top, come, in, with, take, now, open, empty, soon, get off, old
top֊ come,come-go, one-out,with-without,take-give,now-then after,open-close,empty-full,soon-late,get off- get on, pld-new,young.
Համացանցից դուրս գրիր Լոնդոնի մասին հետաքրքիր նյութեր։
People leave their newspapers on the train for others to read.
if you don’t speak English well, they won’t tell you about it
They will definitely tell you that you speak well. In case of objection, they will add that their Armenian is, in any case, worse.
Every year, city residents and visitors forget 80,000 umbrellas on the London Underground.